Matthew Levy and Ariel ShlienJan 13, 2021The Value of an SMA (Separately Managed Account)A Separately Managed Account provides a unique investment opportunity for individuals looking to increase their net worth through investing.
Matthew Levy and Ariel ShlienJan 13, 2021How Hedge Fund Administrators Help Safeguard Your MoneyThere was a time when heightened scrutiny was placed over how pooled vehicles like hedge funds managed investments.
Sandeep Goenks, Note by Ariel ShlienDec 8, 2020Bitcoin: The Internet of Money & Storing Value. To write about Bitcoin in a short paragraph is like talking about the Internet in 1995
Matthew Levy and Ariel ShlienDec 8, 2020The Most Important Things to Look for in a Hedge FundThis one almost goes without saying. Hedge funds, like any other item on a list of alternative investments, exist to give investors a return
Matthew Levy and Ariel ShlienDec 2, 2020What is a Sharpe Ratio and Why Should You Care? The Holy Grail of investing is to find assets that are low in risk, and high in return.